全素南瓜咖椰 Vegan Pumpkin Kaya

全素南瓜咖椰原来是那么的香啊~又健康, 最重要是仅需要以下4样的材料。

材料 :
510克 南瓜
200毫升 浓椰浆
125克 椰糖
3-4片 香兰叶

做法 :
1. 将南瓜切成薄片, 下蒸锅蒸约25分钟或至熟透。

2. 准备搅拌机, 将蒸好的南瓜薄片倒入, 再加入浓椰浆, 搅拌均。

3. 将搅拌好的南瓜椰浆糊倒入搅拌盆中, 架在已注入适量的热开水锅上。

4. 倒入椰糖, 放入打结的香兰叶, 以文火不断地持续熬煮约30分钟。

5. 熬煮至南瓜咖椰开始出现纹路, 转扭至最小火继续熬煮约20分钟或至浓稠。

6. 将其过滤, 趁热倒入已消毒及风干的玻璃瓶中即可。

Vegan Pumpkin Kaya, healthy & simple way of making, you may like it.

Ingredients :
510g Pumpkin slices
200ml Coconut Cream Extract
125g Malacca Palm Sugar
3-4pcs Pandan Leaves

Method :
1. cut the Pumpkin into slim/thin slices, steam for about 25mins or until soften.

2. prepare a blender, pour in the steamed soft pumpkin, follow by the Coconut Cream Extract, finely blended.

3. prepare a cooking pot with pour in appropriated hot boiling water, double boiled by add in the pumpkin puree, palm sugar and tied pandan leaves.

4. to stir constantly for the first 30mins over the med heat.

5. stir and double boiled the puree until it become some textures, stir for another 20mins or until it thickened.

6. filter, pour into a cleaned glass container for storage.


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